I’m unpacked, unorganized and teaching on! I’m not ready to show off my new digs yet but it is getting better! I thought I would share a quick blog and show you a few things we have accomplished!
Yesterday we did our first mini book called Kindergarten. (freebie) It was introduced as a pocket chart story which we read and chanted! Now being that I am in a brand new classroom with all new technology this should have been an easy task. All the children had to do is write the word “I” and color. Well my “eno board projector does not work so it has to be sent back to the manufacturer ( Lord only knows how long that will take!) It’s not that big of a deal because I have never had one but I am excited to learn. Only problem is I have document camera but no projector to show on the screen. So I modeled everything “old school”. We drew the letter “I” in the air, wrote on our friends backs, I drew giant “I’s” with the children on my dry erase board. (Oh did I mention we have one Xerox machine in the whole school and that’s broken too so I could not enlarge the text for the kids to see either) Lastly I completed my book writing “I’s” on the lines provided. EASY RIGHT? Well I was busy walking around the room telling all “To remember to write their “I’s” and if you notice in the pictures above some actually drew eyeballs and did not write any letter “I’s” . In fact 5 children's books only had eyeballs no letter “I”! This is a first… I just had to laugh!

I did get my September quilt up Friday afternoon.

I just love their first drawings of themselves!

I made a new word wall… yes it is up high! The good thing is you can see it all around the room. Oh yes and the word “I” is up we will definitely be reviewing!

We started earning RAINBOW FISH BOWLS right away!

I’m still working on my Calendar Wall (I’ll post pictures when it is done) but I did make a new addition in honor of the Common Core.. Zero the Hero is now counting with tens grids too.

I just picked up these cute pictures from Costco this afternoon. I took pictures of all my kiddos in a beach hat and Hawaiian lei. They came out so cute. Did you know Costco now makes wallet size and they fit perfectly in the Lakeshore book box pocket.
Have a great day tomorrow!