WOW! 3 million teachers on TPT. That is truly amazing. I am thrilled to part of this wonderful group. I can hardly wait to shopping myself! Use the Promo code TPT3 at my store to get 28% off Starting tomorrow (Thursday) and goes through Friday. Actually you can start shopping at 12:01 EST!

TPT Sale Going on Now!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
We made these darling little napkin books last week. I had them prepped for Valentines week but the the week was too short to get them done. Napkin books are great activities for your independent literacy centers.
Below are a few samples. My Kiddos love doing these fun books!
Start saving those party napkins!
Here is a napkin book cut and paste for St. Patrick's Day. My local grocery store has ton’s of napkins displayed now! Happy Sunday! Kim
Saturday, February 8, 2014
These are some “smart little Quackers who love to subtract”
Our little duckies have a message in their tummies about ducklings.
We went on a field trip to Centennial Farms I got to hold chicks!
These are our paper mache roosters and hens for open house.
They are made out of foam core and then hot glued to a dowel and wooden block. We use paper towels (The thick school kind) and starch to paper mache. I get a parent volunteer to cut them out for me. Thank you so much Mr. Tello! Next we paint them a solid color then add polka dots the next day. I have my parent volunteers add felt beaks and crowns with hot glue. The feathers on the sides are my kiddo’s hands cut from construction paper.Here is the pattern for the Hens and Roosters! Enjoy