It’s Teacher appreciation time! TPT is throwing a sale May 6-7. 28% off my My TPT Store when you use the promo code TPTXO. After I make this post I’m off to look at my “wish list” and add items to my cart. Don’t you just love to shop a sale?
My new Eric Carle Literacy Center Packet is ready just in time for the sale! I get so many emails as to when this packet will be complete and I’m so excited to say it’s finally finished. Here are a few of the 11 activities in this pack!
Today I created these pages to use this week in honor of Mothers Day and put them in the packet too!
The Honey Bee and the Robber is always a favorite with its fun moveable parts! These are just a few of the projects includes in this pack. Each have been designed to be mostly independent activities for children to complete during literacy centers. Enjoy your Teacher Week I’m am so blessed to have so many wonderful teachers in my life! Kim