On Tuesday I was in NJ for their Kindergarten Conference! Wow! What wonderful hosts these teachers are. Everyone was warm, friendly and so enthusiastic! I want to send some BIG HUGS to Christina and Connie who took me to a lovely dinner, helped me set up and even brought glue to fix my broken sandal! Joanna volunteered to be may sales assistant THANK YOU!!! I felt so welcomed, I wish you all a wonderful school year.

Secret Sight Words!
I have been promising to get this fun sight word activity available and now it finally is! This is one you can make now, laminate and save for when your K’s are Super Sight Word Savvy. Directions are included on this free download Kinderbykims Secret Sight Word Fun!
I’d love it if you would click follow me when you go to my store!
Bottle Sight Word Searches
Use water bottles and salt to create these fun sight word searches. You can even use glitter to make them sparkle! I type the words anywhere from 8-10 on cardstock and cut them out. Then I put them inside the bottles. Trader Joes has a perfect mini water bottle that saves storage space and works great! The ones shown here are regular size.

Be sure to glue on the lids so little hands don’t take them off to spill! I like adding ribbon or stickers to Jazz them up. Here is a Water Bottle Writing Paper for you to write the words you put inside the bottles on. The children twist and turn looking for the words on their paper. Then they can use highlighters or markers to circle the words when they find them. If you make them up now they will be all ready for back to school.

Sight Word Magnet Practice
Ok so this idea is not new. I have been using it for.years but my kiddos love it! Make your word families and sight words inside Altoid or any mint metal box! I like to use this sheet for my children to practice making and writing their sight words. Tell all your friends to save their boxes for you.

Here is a great one for alphabetizing words. Just use a plastic table cloth, this one has the fabric on the back so it does not slip. Use a Sharpie to write the alphabet on the tablecloth. Then look in your cupboard for a package of die cut shapes. I put all my sight words on labels so I can print them when I need them. Just stick your words on and your ready to go! This is a super Literacy Center Activity!
Well I only have two full weeks left then it’s back to school! It’s been a busy summer but oh so fun!