Sunday, March 10, 2013

Looking for Leprechauns! Have you seen any?

Tomorrow our sneaky little Leprechaun 
will begin to move in. He will start off by leaving his chair and hat. Then Tuesday his umbrella and rain coat. On Wednesday his stool and empty black pot!
We better try to catch him before he messes up our classroom!

We will try to lure him out with stories about leprechauns! Here is a simple word 
bank on a pot of gold.

Let's describe a Leprechaun! 
Now we will use our describing 
map and write a story!

These cuties hold clues on how to
 catch a leprechaun! We put some sparkly gold
 shred inside their tummies.

For Math we will make a giant
 leprechaun and add up his gold coins.

I went into my daughter's Sunday school classroom and the kindergartners had made some very dazzling Leprechaun traps! Check them out!

                  I hope you catch your Leprechaun in time!


  1. Hi Kim,
    Our leprechaun Patrick O'Naughty has been alive and well in my classroom for about a week now. He's been up to no good...LOL I just love March!
    Traditions, Laughter and Happily Ever After

    1. Hi Vicky,
      I love your Leprechauns name! Perfect I may have to change my leprechaun's name next year!

  2. You have such great ideas! Can I ask where you found all of the cute leprechaun furniture? It is super cute!

    1. Hi Diana,
      It's just playhouse furniture I have collected :)

  3. What great, fun leprechaun activities! I'm "green" with envy that I didn't think of that (see what I did there?).

    I just found your blog through Lovely Literacy & More's blog. I'm very excited that I did. I am your newest follower :)

    Mindful Rambles

    1. My class was so disappointed when he escaped. They were looking forward to meeting Paddy O'Ryan!
      I'm so happy you are a new follower! Thank you for sharing with your friends too!
