Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Little Dr. Seuss and a March quilt!

I will be doing this fun book with my class 
next week! It's from my friends at 

Here is a cute  little "Cat in the Hat" hat. We will be having a pancake breakfast and wear our pajamas on Monday in honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday. The children will share their favorite Dr. Seuss book with their reading buddies.

My children will make this activity for Go Dog Go!
We will brainstorm places to go (beach, park, zoo etc.) and put the words in the pocket chart. 
Then they make their dog and car and 
write four places he can go!

Here is what our March quilt will look like. We finger painted the shamrocks last year. This year we may just sponge paint them. It's a little faster. I had a wonderful parent volunteer paint their hands today!


  1. Hi Kim,
    Everything looks so fun and educational on your blog. I just wanted to drop by and say hello from Tennessee. Keep up the great work.

  2. Hi! Thank you so much for your kind words and stopping by to say hello!

  3. I am super super excited that I found your blog!!! I have been following your website for years. My friend Amanda at Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten just blogged about how she went to a pretty awesome conference that you spoke at and led me to find your blog. :)

    Lovely Literacy & More

  4. Hi Brittany!
    I'm thrilled you found my blog! Please thank Amanda for me for sharing it with you!
