Sunday, October 28, 2012

A few last minute "Goulish Treats" and a "Sneak Peek" on Thanksgiving ideas!

On Friday my room Mom brought 
these in for her daughter's birthday treats!
 A darling witch hat made of a chocolate cookie
 and a Hershey Kiss and a creepy eyeball 
made of a mini powder donut and an M&M.
Goulishly Yummy!

This was a fun Frankenstein 
brownie another parent made with the kids! 

40 days in kindergarten!
 Time "Buzzes Bye" when your having fun!
This went in our 
Zero the Hero book!

Turkey Roll Up!
Free! See link below

Wrap brown construction paper
 around a T.P. roll.
 Let the children do the rest! 
Then roll up and put inside T.P. 
roll to take home.

Time to get my turkey hats ready.
The children will cut out and make 
 patterns on the feathers.
***This is in my Pilgrim pack on link below.
(Also on tpt)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Little Bears go Trick or Treating!

We decided to jazz up our sharing 
activities this year. Our first sharing activity
 was to dress this darling bear in a "Beary Scary" costume! Then the children shared all but their bears! They turned out so darling we made them into a class book and hung it on our wires for all to see.

This little guy was my favorite! He was glued on a stand and turned into a scarecrow bear.

During literacy centers we worked on some 
"BOOTIFUL" sight words!

Our defining map was on Halloween. 
Then we used our maps and came up with a few sentences together to write about Halloween.

"Boo" Rock and Roll!

We continue to work on patterns 
with some colorful ghosts, pumpkins and owls.

Today we finally finished our 
Shapes in our World Packet.
The children were so excited to 
take them home to share with their families.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

A visit to North Dakota, Spiders, Bats and Frankenstein it must be Halloween!

Last Saturday I had the privilege 
to speak at the 
North Dakota Kindergarten Conference 
in Grand Forks. The theme was 
"3 Cheers for Kindergarten"
The teachers were so much fun! 
I only wish we lived closer so we could plan together.
The photos are with my 3 new friends! Leslie and Traci    who invited me to ND and took me out to dinner to a really fun place called the Toasted Frog. We had "cheesy pickles," "sweet potato fries" and fish tacos. Yum! Their hospitality was amazing I feel so blessed to have been invited. The second photo is with Kathleen from Growing Kinder's she was so gracious to sell some of my products for me. I feel like I've known them forever. I just love spending time with fun, creative teachers :)

The tables at my sessions were set up with megaphones, pom-poms and 
alphabet cheer cards! 
I even got introduced by cheerleaders!

Back to a busy week in Kinder! 
We made haunted house patterns in our 
math journals.

We got "BOOed" by a Kinder class 
who left us a fun Halloween 
bucket full of goodies to count and sort. 
So we tip-toed to "Boo" another class, leave the bucket and hurry back to our class 
before they could see us!

Here is our graph after we tasted three kinds of tea 
(fruit punch) at Miss Spiders Tea party.
We analyzed all our information and we found out the The rose petal tea was most popular!

We learned some spider facts to 
put in our science journals.

After reading Miss Spider we made our 
own cute spiders and then wrote about Miss Spider.
The link below tells you how to make her!
 Look for the Miss Spider Link in PDF

This week we have been "Going Batty" 
learning all kinds of fun bat facts 
and having a bat themed week.
Above is our batty rhymes to 
practice the "at" family.

This is a science journal page the
 children completed during literacy centers. 
They made the painted bat earlier in the week.

More literacy center fun!

Of course we had to make a yummy
 bat for cooking this week! 
***Many are asking about my cookbook. 
I'm working on it as fast as I can:)

Here are the latest additions to our 
ABC Art  books.
Frankenstein is one of my favorite pages.

I'm off to bed...
I need to rest up for another great day in Kindergarten! Thank you for checking out my blog and sharing it with your friends!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Fun and a Halloween Boo!

I have a new product available
on kinderbykim!
See it, Say it, Sound it out!

Last Friday we made yummy applesauce.
We added some whipped cream
and it tasted like apple pie!

Here are a few samples of the children's
scarecrows from my last blog.

We are talking about the "Farm" during the fall.
Here are our thinking maps of farm products. 
We will take a class field trip
in a few weeks to visit a local farm.

Got to get those Halloween projects
up early the month goes by sooo fast.

This week is spider week!
Here is our drawing lesson.

We wear spider headbands to write the room!

Here is our mini "We Like" book!
It is inside a Halloween napkin

The children do the napkin book
by themselves during Literacy Centers.

Today we made this fun spider book.
The children made the paper doll with my wonderful parent volunteers yesterday. Then today we added the words and the spiders. 
The children could not wait to put the
spider on their MOMS!

We did this graph two weeks ago,
but I finally got it hung up today.
 I put it in my "to do" pile and it got barried! 
Kindergarten is a busy place!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Little Fall and Halloween Fun!

Here is our October quilt.
The squares are 9x9.
The ghosts are their cute little hands.
The pumpkins are tear art no scissors.
This darling quilt was done in our
"Preppy K" class by my amazing friend
Tebby Harrington.
Yes the ghosts are their very own feet!

Too cute!
Our Pumpkin Glyphs
This fun idea came from
my dear friend Trisha Callela several years ago.
I just love the idea and we make them every year!

Circle eyes = You do not know
what you will be for Halloween
Square eyes =You do know
Triangle pointing up =You like to eat candy corn
pointing down= You do not.
Last they chose happy, scary or sad pumpkins.
Then we played "Read my glyph!"
(Yes we all tasted the candy corn)
Our Science Journal page for Fall.
During literacy centers a wonderful parent
 volunteeer pulled the children
outside to paint with them.

We are practicing our sight words with
our Scarecrow words activity.
The words went in an envelope
pocket on the back!

Draw and Write is one of my
independent center activities.
They came out so cute.
 I 'll take pictures and post
the children's work tomorrow.

My new table signs are up.
 It's been a busy week! More to come!