Sunday, October 28, 2012

A few last minute "Goulish Treats" and a "Sneak Peek" on Thanksgiving ideas!

On Friday my room Mom brought 
these in for her daughter's birthday treats!
 A darling witch hat made of a chocolate cookie
 and a Hershey Kiss and a creepy eyeball 
made of a mini powder donut and an M&M.
Goulishly Yummy!

This was a fun Frankenstein 
brownie another parent made with the kids! 

40 days in kindergarten!
 Time "Buzzes Bye" when your having fun!
This went in our 
Zero the Hero book!

Turkey Roll Up!
Free! See link below

Wrap brown construction paper
 around a T.P. roll.
 Let the children do the rest! 
Then roll up and put inside T.P. 
roll to take home.

Time to get my turkey hats ready.
The children will cut out and make 
 patterns on the feathers.
***This is in my Pilgrim pack on link below.
(Also on tpt)


  1. I tried your turkey roll up activity on Friday. It was a really simple activity and I like that it was reinforcing sight words. The thing that struck me the most, was the look on the children's faces when they were handed the finished product. They looked pleased and excited. Thanks for sharing your genius with the rest of us!

  2. The point that minted myself probably the most, had been the appearance about the kid's confronts once they have been given the particular done item.

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  3. all them is great work, i like "turkey roll-up sight words" and i downloaded PDF file too. thanks for sharing

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