Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fall Fun and a Halloween Boo!

I have a new product available
on kinderbykim!
See it, Say it, Sound it out!

Last Friday we made yummy applesauce.
We added some whipped cream
and it tasted like apple pie!

Here are a few samples of the children's
scarecrows from my last blog.

We are talking about the "Farm" during the fall.
Here are our thinking maps of farm products. 
We will take a class field trip
in a few weeks to visit a local farm.

Got to get those Halloween projects
up early the month goes by sooo fast.

This week is spider week!
Here is our drawing lesson.

We wear spider headbands to write the room!

Here is our mini "We Like" book!
It is inside a Halloween napkin

The children do the napkin book
by themselves during Literacy Centers.

Today we made this fun spider book.
The children made the paper doll with my wonderful parent volunteers yesterday. Then today we added the words and the spiders. 
The children could not wait to put the
spider on their MOMS!

We did this graph two weeks ago,
but I finally got it hung up today.
 I put it in my "to do" pile and it got barried! 
Kindergarten is a busy place!


  1. The "We Like" napkin book is too cute and I love the design of the spider book! I have always enjoyed your website and I am excited to follow your blog. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and photos with us. ~Michelle

    1. You are so welcome! Thank you for taking the time to write me. I'm really enjoying learning to blog!!
