Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm finally in my classroom!
Time to get organized! 

With only two days to be ready for
first day of kinder I have been busy!
First I spent an hour moving all my furniture back into place. Then I started organizing my
main calendar area and "Math Wall".

Next  I had to cover my old door
and put on all the names
for their cubbies... 24!

I have all my parent sign-up sheets ready.
 We have Back to School Night the first day of Kindergarten (tomorrow). I have parents sign up to help in class, at home and for donations of playdough and CVS pharmacy gift cards for my picture developing. I upload to CVS from my school and then go pick them up at the end of the day.
 We start learning our shapes right away.
I'm so excited to finally have completed my
Shapes In Our World Pocket Packet.
32 pages including poems, puppets and mini shape books for circle, square, triangle and rectangle.
For more information click link below.
Tomorrow is my first day with children. With only two days to prepare it's been a little stressful this year.
The children only come for three hours tomorrow. My own little one starts "Preppy K" in the class next door to me tomorrow. A big day for both of us!


  1. Inspiring post as I prepare my classroom.
    What is the cookie sheet with the numbers and letters grid? Can you email me at cindytuisku@yahoo.com?

    1. Hi!
      It's part of my Math Wall. It's to teach the children coordinates they love it! As the year goes on it gets more difficult. Right now I would ask the children what creature is at C-2? or A-5? The children hold up the correct color creature :)(no talking just showing me )

  2. Hi I love the Tally Ho sheet. Can I get that sheet?
    janet kooperman

  3. Kim,

    You finally have a blog! That is awesome. I have seen you several times through out the years at SDE Kindergarten Conventions. I can't wait to see what you have to share.


    1. Hi Ann,
      Tank you for commenting on my new blog. I strated school Wednesday and I'll do my best to post often:)

  4. I am so excited you have a blog now!! I love everything you do!
    Mrs. Plant's Press

  5. What a great idea to have parents sign up to donate a $5 gift card for pictures. I print off soooooo many pictures of my students throughout the year and it adds up quickly!!

    Lauren C

    1. Hi Lauren,
      I know I'm sure I have done 100 pictures and school has not even been in two weeks :)

  6. I am so excited that you have a blog! I am a second year teacher and am new to Kindergarten - you are a true inspiration! Huge favor and I totally understand if you are not willing. Is there any way I could use your Chica tree recipe that the kids fille out? I absolutely love it! You are awesome!


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