Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Ideas!

Don't you just love Target's dollar bin?
I'm collecting all of these tin buckets
for my kid's pencils or skinny markers.
One can on each of my 4 Literacy center tables.
 I change them out each month.

I'm getting my snack size baggies ready
 for my "Realia Alphabet". Since I can't get in my classroom. (Due to modernization) I'm trying to get everything ready at home!
At Back to School Night each parent gets a baggy with their child's first homework assignment.
Each child needs to bring in an item that starts with the letter attached to the baggy. Then I type up the name of the item and add it to the alphabet.
Great for writing the room!

This is a picture of my Picnic Names board. I keep it up all year long. The capital letter of each name is highlighted in red and the pictures are alphabetized. It's also fun to include a picture of your class pet or mascot. Then I use the children's photo
and plate for the cover of their
Self Portrait Books seen below.

Find my Self Portrait Pack
 by clicking the link below.

The children's pictures make a darling cover!


  1. SO excited that you have a blog. I have loved your ideas forever :)


    1. Thank you so much! Check back soon I'll be back to school tomorrow and posting lots of goodies. Kim

  2. I absolutely love your website! I am so excited to be a new follower of your blog!

    Mrs. Krull
    Of Primary Importance

    1. Mrs. Krull,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I'm thrilled you will be one of my first followers too! Kim

  3. Hi Kim,
    Your new blog is ADORABLE! :)

  4. Thanks Deanna,
    I'll be back to school tomorrow so I'll have more to share. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Hope your school year is off to a great start. Hugs Kim

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