Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I'm finally in my classroom!
Time to get organized! 

With only two days to be ready for
first day of kinder I have been busy!
First I spent an hour moving all my furniture back into place. Then I started organizing my
main calendar area and "Math Wall".

Next  I had to cover my old door
and put on all the names
for their cubbies... 24!

I have all my parent sign-up sheets ready.
 We have Back to School Night the first day of Kindergarten (tomorrow). I have parents sign up to help in class, at home and for donations of playdough and CVS pharmacy gift cards for my picture developing. I upload to CVS from my school and then go pick them up at the end of the day.
 We start learning our shapes right away.
I'm so excited to finally have completed my
Shapes In Our World Pocket Packet.
32 pages including poems, puppets and mini shape books for circle, square, triangle and rectangle.
For more information click link below.
Tomorrow is my first day with children. With only two days to prepare it's been a little stressful this year.
The children only come for three hours tomorrow. My own little one starts "Preppy K" in the class next door to me tomorrow. A big day for both of us!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School Ideas!

Don't you just love Target's dollar bin?
I'm collecting all of these tin buckets
for my kid's pencils or skinny markers.
One can on each of my 4 Literacy center tables.
 I change them out each month.

I'm getting my snack size baggies ready
 for my "Realia Alphabet". Since I can't get in my classroom. (Due to modernization) I'm trying to get everything ready at home!
At Back to School Night each parent gets a baggy with their child's first homework assignment.
Each child needs to bring in an item that starts with the letter attached to the baggy. Then I type up the name of the item and add it to the alphabet.
Great for writing the room!

This is a picture of my Picnic Names board. I keep it up all year long. The capital letter of each name is highlighted in red and the pictures are alphabetized. It's also fun to include a picture of your class pet or mascot. Then I use the children's photo
and plate for the cover of their
Self Portrait Books seen below.

Find my Self Portrait Pack
 by clicking the link below.

The children's pictures make a darling cover!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

first post

Hi! I'm Kim from KinderbyKim.com just getting back from a wonderful trip to Hawaii and making my first blogger post! I'm excited to share ideas I have for your K classrooms.  In Honolulu, I  found this wonderful book Too Many Mangos  a fun book that talks about sharing.
Available on www.amazon.com

I'm in a jungle mood this year which also complements my beach decor! Here is my environmental print board. So many cute monkey items available at Lakeshore.

This board I put up before I left for Summer break. The yellow item hanging with a name on it is the back of a paper flip flop. The front has the letter of their first name between the thong part of the sandal. The children come in and try to find their names and stand under their flip flops. This is last years photo (I did not have all my new names by last day of school). I think this year I'll have them stand under their monkey with their first letter on his belly and name on back.

Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom!
(child's name) had a great day in our room!
The children in my class
wear this home on the first day of Kindergarten.

We love to cook. Here's our
Chicka Boom Tree Yummy! ABC cereal can be found at the 99cent stores.

My school is going through modernization so I can't get in until two days before school starts! Yikes! Of course my room is not going to be worked on until next spring, but they still won't let me in. So I'm busy trying to get first day items ready at home. I'm going to use these cute monkeys for my first day name tags.

Monkey's Noisy Tote!
I found this cute little monkey lunch bag at Target. I'm going to use it during my
5 Senses unit for hearing. The noise cards are  found in my book in the link below.
Home and Back with Books

Please tell your friends about my new blog and check back for more ideas tomorrow!