Sunday, June 7, 2015

It's A Zoo Out There!

We are finishing up the year with our Zoo Unit !
I'm taking lots of these activities I Teach K Las Vegas!!
 I hope to see you there!

Last week we had a great time visiting the Santa Ana Zoo!

We learned lots of great Lion Facts to go in our 
"All About Lions Booklet!"
We used a Glossary, Thinking Maps and Graphic Organizers to have lots of interesting facts to write about! I was so proud of my kiddos with how much they could write at this time of the year.

These darling Zookeepers were used for
 book covers and paper dolls.

We also used our thinking maps to write about giraffes. 
Did you know giraffes sleep standing up?


  1. Wow! I took my class there last Tuesday. It was my first time there and I thought it was the perfect size for kinders!

  2. Thanks for sharing this post with us.Wikivela
