Sunday, December 14, 2014

Gingerbread Man and More Holiday Fun!

 Who can resist the Gingerbread Man during the holidays!
 We have read 7 different versions, tasted gingerbread cookies and made this darling glyph. Get the Glyph Key Here.

On Thursday we had our 3rd Grade Buddies come to kinder to make this great project by Tangled up in Teaching. This activity goes along with Jan Brett's version of the The Gingerbread Baby.
It was perfect for a 3rd grader to help their kinder partner. Lots of cutting and a graph to complete.

My friend Heidi has a darling new Gingerbread Man 
book with a CD and lots of  fun songs!

I got my SantaReindeer and Elves up! My room definitely has a holiday feel with these cuties hanging around. 

We were busy little elves last week. I had three amazing mommies who got all my kiddos hands painted for their wreaths in one morning! Tonight I added a dowel, ribbon bows and gold for their names.  (This is why I'm working on a post at 11:00 at night) All we have to do is wrap! The picture on the left is our wrapping paper made with paint and cookie cutters. Our card is also an ornament from their "little angel."

Here are two versions of  gingerbread men and hand print quilts. One is from Kinder and the other from Tk!
Off to bed for me...


  1. Your projects look amazing. We made gingerbread play dough and I think I now own every version out there! Yikes! I need to spend a day with you and learn how to do this amazing art with kids.

    1. You are so sweet! I want to learn how to make gingerbread play-dough!

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