Sunday, November 9, 2014

Long Ago.. Extravaganza!

This darling turkey pattern hat is found in my

We are busy planning our Long Ago days in Kindergarten. 
We celebrate the day before Thanksgiving break. 
All Kindergarten classes participate together. 
We are fortunate here in CA that the weather is usually great. 
Yet in the event of rain our kids go from classroom to classroom freely.  Below are a few of the activities we do together.

Native American sand paintings

We use salt and powdered paint!

Every hunter needs an arrow made with 
a straw and paper triangles!

Next they are off to hunt for dinner! 
This is one of the most popular centers.

What's a Thanksgiving without a turkey!

Long ago fishing was a great way to get food for dinner. 
We fished for letters. 

Let's make some beautiful macaroni pattern necklaces.

 Tortilla teepees made with tortillas 
milk and food coloring. YUM!

We also make butter, log cabins from pretzel sticks, plant corn seeds and make clay pots. Parent volunteers run all the activities and do the face painting. We are all thankful to be at such a wonderful school!


  1. This is wonderful!! I wish we could go outside to do something like this, but the weather has taken a very cold turn! I would love to know more about the activities. Our 5 K classes do rotations among our classrooms and I need an activity, and these would be perfect! Is there any of them that take about 30 minutes? Another teacher is doing a snack so I can't do food. :)

  2. Oh, and it would be for 18 students per group.
