Sunday, October 19, 2014

A Halloween Menagerie!

Got Napkins? Make a Halloween Napkin book! Great for practicing sight words. Just take a Halloween napkin, cut and fold white Xerox paper to fit and staple. 
Add an Avery label for the title!

Here is my latest quilt thanks to all the cute hand-print samples on Pinterest boards Kinderbykim Jordano

We made this fun little book last week for spider week! Use a spider ring to move the spider all around the doll. A spider is on my ...head, arm , stomach, foot, Mom!

Tp Roll BBB Bat song! I made this little guy last year I ran out of time this year but he is so fun and easy to make.

Friday was our first sharing day! Everyone had two weeks to create their own bear in a Halloween costume! Here are a few of my creative Kiddo's bears!


  1. I read your post. this is the best halloween post i read online. very nice halloween 2014 messages and halloween 2014 Quotes

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