Sunday, August 24, 2014

Birthday Fun and Jazzing Up My Literacy Center Tables!

A few weeks a go I posted a picture of the Eric Carle themed crayons I found at Target. This is how I packaged them to give to my kiddos on their birthdays! I added bubbles and either a ring or little animals with parachutes. All 25 are made and ready for the first class birthday. Check one thing off my list..

This is just sample of a birthday crown for a parent to see. I will send my birthday crowns home with glue, glitter and a class list on back to school night for a parent to decorate for me.

Ok, I have been spending a little too much time on Pinterest. I see these paper lanterns are everywhere! I even saw them camping this weekend on tents! So I thought I would try them out in my class with my table signs. I think they really look cute :) Now I 'm off to school to finish up. Have a Happy Sunday!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School! Time to Get Organized!

This is what my classroom looked like when I walked in last week!

Last year I only had two days to move back into my room from a remodel... I did a lot of shoving of everything! This year I'm really trying to start out organized! So far I've bought new Readers Workshop tubs and made new crayon labels for my leveled books. 

I'm also busy updating all my book tub labels to match my book class book tubs. Love, love, Avery design and print on line! Makes label making so easy. I'm going back to class today so much to do!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Few "Oldies but Goodies" for the First Days Back to School!

The Boo Boo Binder! 
I have been doing this little activity for years. When a child gets a"Boo Boo" they can go to the Boo, Boo Binder and write about it, draw a picture and put a band-aide on their injury. I have been collecting all the little travel lotions from hotels I visit and then I put a label on them and keep them in a basket next to my Boo Boo Binder.

The I Am Special Glyph!
This glyph is so simple and great for the first week of school. My paper doll and clothes are traced for the children to cut out. The clothes are decorated with dot paints.  I'll be heading back to get my classroom ready next week...Oh summer goes by so fast! 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Back to School Sale Begins August 4th!


Back To School Sale Banner




I'm so excited to be part of the TPT back to school sale. All of my products will be on sale for 28% off August 4th and 5th when you use the promo code BTS14. *Remember the sale ends at 12pm eastern time on the 5th, which is 9pm for west coast teachers! Below are are a few I think you would enjoy for back to school! My products link will take you to my store. (My TPT link is still under construction). Now I’m off to go fill my shopping cart too!

cook book cover image     self portrait cover_Page_01     Jazzy Math Journal cover image

Pages from Eric Carle Literacy Center Fun Pack cover   frog pack cover_Page_1  Pages from April 2013 Alphabet Art Book 

Write the room cover image_Page_01   Pages from final shapes in our world pack cover image   cover to beary fun little pack_Page_1

self portraits pic

These are some samples of our Self Portraits. I have my kiddos draw themselves once a month starting our first week in school.

   img209       img210

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Kinderbykim is getting a New Look and My Froggy Sight Word Pack is Finally Here!

Back from a beautiful relaxing trip to Hawaii!
 My blog is getting a new look so please excuse the "messyness" while being updated! All my past blogs seemed to have moved all over the place and many links do not work yet so I need to see how to fix them but I'm getting there! I hope you like my new design thanks to  The Cutest Blog on the Block Custom Designs.

I shared these sight word activities in Chicago last March and now it's finally ready. Here is a sample of a some of my activities.

Pinwheel fun!
 Just write sight words on these mini pinwheels 
and blow it's so easy!

Next children write the words on their froggy sheet.
 They can even use their words to write sentences on the back.

Mirror reflection sight word fun. My kiddos loved this one. 
They hold up a mirror and read their words in the reflection.

Thanks for checking in! I hope your summer has been fantastic! 
I know many of you are heading back to school.
 I'm treasuring my few weeks left!

Kim’s I Teach K and TPT Conference Photo Album of Fun!


I was so excited to meet Paul Edelman founder of TPT! I told Paul “I was just a little fish in his big pond” He said “Keep on swimming” which is exactly what I plan to do! I was equally happy to get to chat and take a photo with Amy Borrell Berner Head of Community & Editorial for TPT. And of course my dear friend and Dynamo Kim Adsit!  


SDE’s Blogger Bash was an exciting and CRAZY place! So many Bloggers you could barely move! I took the opportunity to get pictures with my friends Kathleen, Shelly, Crystal, Shari and my new friend Julie Brinkley a darling SDE presenter.


These dazzling girls Christy and Tammy from
Fluttering Through First Grade put on an amazing presentation at the TPT conference. I learned so much! Now I know how behind I am AHHH!


We did make time for yummy dinners at the Venetian with my friends Deanna, Kim, and Dee Dee. I love these talented girls so willing to share ideas, advice and put up with all my crazy questions!  Dee Dee you have the patience of a saint to put up with me!  Next year I promise to have all this blogging thing mastered! (I hope).


I also want to send big hugs to my dear friend Shari Sloane I always love hanging out with you!. I can’t wait to see you next week in Huntsville! I also got to spend time with Susie Haas Kane, Kathy Griffin and Faye and Kaye from SDE.

Blog 60 TPT conference 2104 extra picture

Thanks for letting me share the fun week with you!