Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bugs and Bunnies plus some Freebies!


For the past two weeks we learned about living things that come from eggs. For cooking we made these yummy grasshoppers!


Here is the recipe for both grasshoppers and banana butterflies!


I saw this darling butterfly on Pintrist and had to turn it into a recipe for our class cookbook!


Friday we went on a “Living things that come from eggs” hunt. (Plus a few jellybeans and chocolates!) All 125 kids wore their Spring Bunny hats. So much fun!


This darling quilt is from the TK class next door and the one below is from my class. The Children’s hands are the wings.


We added jewels for the bunny nose and the center of the flower on the nest so the quilt really sparkles. The bunny is their handprint. Happy Spring!

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