Sunday, November 3, 2013

November Literacy Center Fun!

(Click the image to get to the freebie)
Get this freebie plus a few more super fun activities with a “like” for my KinderByKim page on facebook! Slide2
 Thanksgiving napkin book fun! My kiddos love doing these napkin books. Great for practicing sight words!
Secret Sight Word Scramble  is a weekly activity to practice the weeks sight word!
Turkey  Roll- up your sight words! Everything is more fun when you put it in a T.P. roll!


  1. love the napkin book!! thanks for sharing! xo

  2. You are welcome they are so fun and easy!

  3. Do you have a template for your number roll that you do? I remember you mentioning it at the I Teach K conference, and this is something that I would love to have for early finishers. Thanks! My email is

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