Sunday, May 26, 2013

Tall Giraffes, Fierce Lions and a Freebie!


This is my giant giraffe! He is made of yellow butcher paper and the spots are my kiddos hands. Then we used interactive writing to share our facts.


These cute little guys open like a card with giraffe facts in side. We used this Giraffe Thinking Map to write our facts.



These ferocious lions really jazzed up our jungle!


ROAR! These lion heads graced the cover of our Matter in the jungle book.


I’m currently working on a new Super Safari Pack which will be available in a few weeks on TPT. Both of these books are on TPT now and include mini books for the children to make and lots of fun patterns and ideas!

Zipping Around the Zoo and Rain Forest Adventures


  1. Just adorable Kim!!! I did NOT get to do "1" art project with my First Graders this year. With the implementation of CCSS and COMPASS ... there was not "1 minute" to even "prep" Craftivities much less do them with my students. So ... sooooooo s.a.d. Not a pumpkin, not a turkey, not a Christmas tree, not a snowflake ... N.O.T.H.I.N.G. :(

  2. Oh that is sooo sad!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed you will be able to squeeze in something next year:)
