Monday, April 1, 2013

Spring Literacy Center Ideas! Plus a Freebie!



Well I’m all moved in my temporary classroom! The walls are all bulletin board so I have a lot to get decorated. Right now it looks a little boring! I’ll only be here two and half months so I’m not going to go too crazy. This past week we learned about “Living things that come from eggs” Here are some of our Literacy center activities!


Egg Rhymes! Use a sharpie to write the rhyme on one half of the egg and right the onset on the other. I made 6 different eggs and the children write them in their “Chick likes to Rhyme” book! 


I put the these fun bunny hats out and they can wear them when they do activities at this table!


When children are finished with their activities at this table they can Write the Room


We sequenced a chicks little life and glued it on register tape. Next the children roll it up and put in a plastic egg. For fun I added a little yellow chick inside the eggs!




Spring is here thinking map! We brainstormed what happens in the spring then they used their thinking map to complete their napkin book. Spring thinking map freebie!


My kids could write anything they wanted about spring in their books they came out really cute!


It was and “eggy” week so we also wrote a little booklet about other animals that come from eggs.


To end out the week we made

yummy eggs in a nest! Check back soon I’m going to be giving out a freebie everyday this week!


  1. Looks great, Kim! And your room looks great so far, too! Love the bunny hat idea, LOL!

  2. I just got back from my post-Easter shopping spree for my classroom & I bought lots of plastic eggs, thanks to Heidi's recent blog post. Now I have even more ideas. Thank you, Kim! I LOVE your ideas too!
    Palma Lindsay

    1. Hi Pamela!
      I'm so glad you got a few more ideas to do with your eggs. The kids love them and what a great way to keep learning fun!Kim

  3. Love love love your blog/products! I bought the Draw and Write a couple months ago and my students and I have LOVED using the ideas! Thank you for the freebie! I am on Spring Break and will be doing my Spring unit next week!

  4. Hi Sara!
    I'm so glad you are enjoying my blog and products! Check today's freebie for your Spring unit.
    Hugs, Kim

  5. I love the stands that you use to hang your examples from! Were they purchased or made?

  6. I had a parent in my class make them a few years ago. I'll take a clear picture and post this week:)
