Saturday, March 23, 2013

Something New a Freebie and a Revision too!

I’m excited to announce another new packet! My 
ABC Art Book is finally available at my TPT store!
alphabet book cover pdf jpeg
Pages from Alphabet Book ©Kinderbykim apple
Here are some sample pages. I use these letter/art projects as one of my literacy centers every week. The activities are simple enough for kindergarteners to do independently. The book has 85 pages including 26 art activities one for each letter of the alphabet. All the patterns and descriptions of how to make them are included along with full color pictures of each activity.
Pages from ABC ART crab

Pages from ABC ART vest
Here is a fun Spring Literacy Center Activity!
Spring is here! Time for bunnies flowers and jellybeans! Last week my children drew this darling bunny and then wrote about him. I created these little word walls and their stories came out really cute!
It has also been brought to my attention that their are two typos in my Jazzy Math Journal and one in My Months and Holidays Poetry Pack. I have corrected both and if you bought on TPT a new file was sent to you. If you bought from Kinderbykim a new file was also sent. If you bought a CD at a conference I had no way to contact you so I’m putting the corrections here with the links below. If you just want to see sample feel free to use the links too.
Crayon Poem Revision

Thank you for telling your friends about the revisions posted here. I want everyone to have a perfect copy:)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kinder Cafe Cookbook Is Here!

I’m so excited my Kinder CafĂ© Cookbook is now
 available for purchase in my TPT store!

My recipes include Chicka,Chicka
Boom,Boom Trees!

Friendship Fruit!

Rainbow Toast! Yummy!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Looking for Leprechauns! Have you seen any?

Tomorrow our sneaky little Leprechaun 
will begin to move in. He will start off by leaving his chair and hat. Then Tuesday his umbrella and rain coat. On Wednesday his stool and empty black pot!
We better try to catch him before he messes up our classroom!

We will try to lure him out with stories about leprechauns! Here is a simple word 
bank on a pot of gold.

Let's describe a Leprechaun! 
Now we will use our describing 
map and write a story!

These cuties hold clues on how to
 catch a leprechaun! We put some sparkly gold
 shred inside their tummies.

For Math we will make a giant
 leprechaun and add up his gold coins.

I went into my daughter's Sunday school classroom and the kindergartners had made some very dazzling Leprechaun traps! Check them out!

                  I hope you catch your Leprechaun in time!