Monday, December 10, 2012

Tannenbaums from Germany "I spy" and a free recipe!

Last week we traveled to Germany 
and learned about the Tannenbaum.
We made tissue paper and starch trees.
When they dried the children made 
decorations. Next the children counted
 and added up all their ornaments.

Next to their tree is their Holiday I Spy!
Click here for I spy recording sheet.

We also made yummy Tannenbaums out 
of sugar ice cream cones! OK, so not the most healthy 
of recipes but boy did they love them! 
We used  cookie sprinkles  
fruit loops, M&Ms and mini marshmallows! 
If you want to make them with your little
 "World Travelers" click on the link below!


  1. I love your ideas. The tree looks great. Thanks for sharing. I am going to do this with my little ones.

    Classroom Fun

    1. Hi Rhonda, I the tannenbaums are so fun to make! Thank you for your kind comments and Merry Christmas! Kim

  2. I love this idea! That looks really yummy too. :)
    Sarah's First Grade Snippets

    1. Yes!! Very yummy and a little messy but my kids had so much fun! Merry Christmas ! Kim

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