Saturday, September 15, 2012

September fun!

During math we traced our names
 with scented markers. Next we cut
them a part, mixed up the pieces,
put them back in order 
and glued them onto a strip of paper.
Next we sorted to find out how many
 letters are in our names.
Jenna Nicloe has the longest!

We made our first "Thinking Map."
We defined what kindergarten will be!
The next day the children
made their own cirlce map
about kindergarten.

This past week our theme was
We decorated mirrors and painted
our faces to glue onto our mirrors.

We used beads, feathers, foam stickers,
 flowers and pom-pom balls
to decorate our mirrors.

For cooking we made "Friendship Fruit."
Since the weather was 100 degrees
on Friday and we do not have air conditioning.
This was a yummy refreshing snack!

Friday afternnoon I introduced
"How to get your book box."
We have two mini books we wrote
over the last two weeks,
 a Brown Bear mini book that the children colored and our poerty journal
with three poems in it to get us started.
My kiddos did such a great job
choosing a reading spot.
 They were so excited to start reading!
Next week we will work on what
to do while reading,
the different ways you can read a book.
 (pictures, words, retell)

One of the read alouds I chose this
week was the Alphabet Mystery
by Audrey Wood.
The children loved it!

The letters in the Alphabet Mystery
solve the mystery
by flying on magic pencils.
 My friends at Weaver Elementary
shared this idea with me last year and
I just had to make it this year!

One thing we found out is that the children searching
for all the letters in their names takes a while.
So do this in small group or with a parent volunteer. Not all at the same time with 24 kiddos!
(You may need a drink after!)
We had to do some creative letter making as you can see in this photo we ran out of vowels so we turned the letter L into and i by chopping off the bottom.
Whatever works :)


  1. LOVE the mirrors and the kiddos loved that alphabet mystery book this year!!


    1. Hi Danielle,
      I'm so glad you liked the mirrors and pencils. I had to promise to read Alphabet Mystery again on Monday :) Kim

  2. I love your blog! I'd found your website a few years ago and always enjoyed seeing your great ideas. Have you heard about the Southern California bloggers meet-up later in September? I posted about it if you're interested.
    First Grade Found Me

    1. Hi Chrissy,
      I'm so happy you like my blog! I'm so new at this I have not heard of the SC bloggers meeting up. I'll check it out... thank you for the info! Kim

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I meant to type.... LOTS OF FUN IDEAS HERE!!!!
      Love it!!!!
      Heidi Butkus

    2. Thank you Heidi,
      I see your smiling face EVERDAY! My class loves your ABC DVD. If I could figure out how to put a video on my blog I'd show my class practicing their ABC's with your video :)

  4. Hi Heather,
    Thanks for your kind words. It is really fun to get feedback from other teachers! Kim

  5. ونحن كشركة من مؤسسة نقل اثاث بالرياض نقوم بادخار ذلك المشقة وذلك العناء على الزبون ونضع له أرقام شركتنا فى كل موضع من أماكن الدعايا لكى يتيسر له الوصول الى الصحيح الذى يريده .كذلك تَستطيع عزيزى الزبون أن تبلغ الى ما ترغب في خاصة إذا كنت تبحث عن مؤسسات نقل العفش داخل الرياض عاصمة المملكة العربية السعودية أن تبحث عن تلك المؤسسات فى دليل التليفون لخاص بالشركات الخدمية داخل العاصمة السعودية الرياض ،
    التجهيزات اللازمة للاثاث قبل النقل
    شركة نقل عفش من الرياض الى ابها
    شركة نقل اثاث من الرياض الى الخبر
    شركة فرسان و تخزين الاثاث و العفش
