Saturday, October 17, 2015

August and September Happenings from Kinderbykim!

Late August we began and we are off to a busy but great start! I am so behind posting on my blog and have a few minutes before soccer today so... I thought I'd try to catch up! The first day of school we made this simple project ad I even got their first day of school picture on them by Back To School Night that night.
(Yes we have BTSN the first day!)

The first week we also read The Kissing Hand and made this cutie. 
We talked about how we felt about coming to kindergarten!

Our "Buckets of Fun" necklaces were a great success to wear home the first day of school!

During September we also made these cuties 
and hung them around the room! 
Thanks to Julie Lee for this darling project idea!


Kindergartners love to cook! We made Friendship Fruit and yummy Applesauce!
 you can find the recipes in my TPT store Kinder Cafe!

Enjoy your Saturday! I promise to be back soon 
with our October activities!