Sunday, April 26, 2015

Pinwheels and Pets!

Last week I brought out this fun activity that uses pinwheels to practice sight words! Children blow the pinwheel read the word on the top and record it on their "Which way did  your word blow sheet!" (P.S. my little model is a cutie pie!)

Next they use those words to write a story a story on about a frog!
You can find this fun activity in my

Monday we will be doing a unit on Pets.
 Here are a few of my literacy centers for next week.
My Kiddos will complete a "How To" on taking care of a fish and write all about pets in a mini book shaped like a bone. They will make a "puppy pouch" with my parent volunteers to put their dog bone in side! We will label a dog and make a little doggy/ poem to be used as a puppet or a book cover!

They will complete their Sight Word Rock and Roll 
for the week with the "et" family. They use wooden cubes to put onset and rimes together for "et".
I'll post more later this week! 
I'm off to a Sock -Hop with my little ballerina!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spring Hats!

"Hang on to your hat wherever you are or the wild wind will blow it far!" I posted earlier this week my cuties below in their spring hats! Here is what the bulletin board looks like.

 Too Cute!

This TP roll bee idea I found on Pinterest a few weeks ago. For our "Bug Week" last week I added  a little writing assignment to go inside. My Kiddos made these during literacy centers. 
The yellow paper and black stripes were stapled on for them. 
The rest they did themselves.

These cute lions and snake are from my "Pocket Full of Zoo Fun" make and take! Come see me in Las Vegas for more Zootastic Ideas" 

One final thank you to all the wonderful teachers who made my two days in New Hampshire so amazing!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Come See Me at the New England PreK-3 Conference!

If your attending my "Take Me to the Zoo" Make and Take be sure to bring scissors, glue  and a mini stapler. I have some darling zoo activities planned that I think you will LOVE! 
Also be sure to check the link on SDE for your handouts.
 I keep adding more goodies for you!

We going to have a great time in my bookmaking session!

 And I'm busy working on Jazzing up your Journal time with lots of  activities to get your kiddos excited to write!
These are just a few of the topics I'll be presenting.
 Looking forward to seeing you all in about a week!