Sunday, March 29, 2015

Spring is Here! Literacy Centers for the Week before Vacation!

This week we will be sequencing  a chick hatching and then put it inside a plastic egg. I also put a little fuzzy chick from the dollar stores inside.

Napkin books are so easy and fun!

We will be searching with our magnifying glasses for tiny words. On the back of this page we write a story using the words we found! This is activity is found in my 

We finished up  our Eric Carle Unit with this flow map and then my Kiddos made a butterfly on  a branch. The branch was a paper towel roll covered with brown paper. 
The Caterpillar flow map went inside!

The butterflies came out so cute!

Last week we also completed our Seahorse
 Opinions and Facts based on Eric Carle's Mister Seahorse.
Enjoy your Day! Happy Spring! 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

We Love Eric Carle Literacy Center Fun!

Here are my independent Literacy Center activities for this week.   We are celebrating  Eric Carle. One of our favorite Kindergarten authors! We actually have so many great activities for Eric Carle we will do a second week of activities with his books.
 Above is what we did with The Mixed Up Chameleon . 
We used tear art, dot paints and markers!

is another one of our 
favorite Eric Carle books. 

Of course everyone loves The Very Quiet Cricket!

We made these cute Mamas with their "joey" snug in the pocket. On the back we wrote what our Mother's love to do! 
These are a few of the activities in my 
I'll post more from this unit soon. 
We are busy enjoying all his amazing books and learning all about 
Eric Carle's special way he creates his art.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Big Thank You!

I returned yesterday from this wonderful conference in Schaumburg Illinois
Thank you to Kim Adsit, Shari Sloane, 
Andy Adsit and Linnea Evans for being such wonderful friends! 

A Big Hug goes out to all of you who attended my sessions!

I had so much fun seeing so many amazing teachers like Angel and Joan, Angie and Kayln ( I hope I got that right) 
Many thanks to Kathleen Conn for all your friendship and support!