Monday, March 24, 2014

Up, Up and Away!


I just put up our hot air balloons!

They make the classroom look so cheerful!


Each balloon has writing on them..Up. up. up! I see the… We go over the … I’m having a fun day!

Slide3Our Rainbow Wishes!


I know March is coming to an end but my little Leprechaun quilt makes me feel so happy!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Has Your Leprechaun Moved In Yet? Plus a Fun St. Patrick's Day Freebie!


During literacy centers this week my little leprechauns played this fun sight word game. Each child picks a friend to play with and they take turns spinning, reading and coloring the word on the coin in the leprechaun’s pot. The first friend to fill their pot with gold is the winner! Click here for this activity.


Using a pencil and a paper clip children take turns spinning for a word on the gold coins!


We also made this fun little napkin book. The pictures to glue on your napkin book are included with the link above !Slide4

With all this talk of leprechauns our favorite leprechaun “Paddy” started moving in his furniture yesterday! I sure hope we can catch him before St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thank you Chicago! Dr. Suess’ “Thing One” and some Rhyming Fun!


Chicago Facebook Freebie


These are our darling “Thing one –25” hats! My team partner saw them from a friend and I had to make them too!


We wore them all day in celebration of Read Across America. During MATH we practiced addition using our hats. For example: we added Thing 6 and Thing 4 and found Thing Ten! We decomposed Thing 15 into Thing 10 and Thing 5!


After lunch in honor of Dr. Seuss we practiced rhyming with our graham cracker and blue frosting erasable-edible boards. So Fun! (We used a popsicle stick for a writing tool).