Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween Literacy Center Fun and some “Bootiful “Bears!


Boo! Rock and Roll is great way to practice word families.Slide4

These little napkin booklets are perfect for independent literacy centers.Slide1

Have you ever tasted Chocolate Spiders? Delicious!


We sang the song “Spider on the Floor” by Raffi and then we made these cute little kids with spider rings to act out the song. (The boys made boy dolls) We added a fun ending with the spider on my MOM!


We had our first sharing activity this week. For homework my children had to create a costume for their “Bootiful Bears”


Our ABC Art for letter Ff Frankenstein is one of my favorite pages!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Jack-o-Happy Pie and a Boo Freebies!


On Friday we made Jack-O-Happy Pie! It was a big hit my children loved it click on the words Jack-o-happy for the recipe!  If you enjoy cooking with your kiddos try KInder Cafe!


This  cute little ghost is so easy for children to make and it’s great cutting practice!


These cat cuties and Frankenstein are from my friend Tebby Harrington’s classroom of Kinderguppies!




Have a BOOtiful Halloween!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Shapes In Our World! Plus a revision!


We have one more shape to go and we will have completed our Shapes in Our World Unit! I‘m planning on finishing up with the Hexagon this week! A sweet teacher named Laura emailed me last night and pointed out the stop sign in my packet was an Octagon! (YIKES) So I immediately went to look at the booklet and sure enough she was right! I have revised and placed on TPT so all who purchased my unit from there should be notified of the revision. BUT those of you who purchased by CD click on the hexagon link above for the revision. For those of you who do not have my unit feel free to get the revision too!


Each shape pocket has a mini shape book, a puppet, “At first it was a …. then it was a …” (art frame) and a poetry card. This year all the poetry cards are going in our Poetry Binder so we can practice our shape poems all year!



We had a good time singing our triangle song with our triangle puppets!


We made fancy triangle party hats to go in the triangle pocket.


I’ll  post a picture of the Hexagon pocket when we make it this week! Please accept my apologies for the shape mix- up!

Friday, October 11, 2013

A “Batty Fun” Week in Kindergarten. Literacy Center Fun! Plus Batty Poems Freebies!



This week we went Batty In kindergarten! All my Literacy center activities had a “Batty theme”. We learned how to draw a bat and then write a sentence about the bat.


We made a fun mini book and  learned the new word “in”! I put stuffed bats at all the tables as decorations.



We are working on our rhyming words with the “at” family. We they had completed writing their at words they were rolled up inside their tp roll bat to take home.



The secret word was bat of course!

My kiddos complete a Secret Sight Word each week. The bat I added for fun but all the other words we do are of from sight word list.


We also worked on out rhyming by stamping the “at” family! If your children like to stamp I think I finally have a way to keep the stamps somewhat organized! I bought 3 plastic nails and screw organizers from Home Depot. They were less than 4dollars each. I put two circle sticky dots in each section with a, b written in Sharpie, c,d etc. the lids close tight and so far no spilling. I gave each group of two children one box of lowercase letter stamps. They all have the same color stamp pads. (So no mixing colors) Next month I’ll replace and add a different color stamp pad. Each week we Stamp and Write  a new set of words.


We made the BBBB, BBBB, BBBB Bat Book. Each child gets a set of 5 friends photos to chant the beginning sounds of their friends names. We will keep them in our book boxes. I let each child take the page with their photo/bat and then choose 4 more friends to put in their booklet.


Today we completed the Bats Like  to Eat… folded booklet. We have red lots of fiction and fact books about bats this week. We learned lots of interesting facts. Different types bats like to eat different foods.


Friday is cooking day! We completed our recipe for Oreo Bats! They were a big hit! Of course its hard to go wrong with Oreos!


During Math I introduced measurement with our Batty Measurement Page for our Jazzy Math Journals!


Right before we went home today we “flew” outside with our giant bat bracelets! I just posted the pattern for this big guy, the batty rhymes, bat mini book, the BBBB Bat book pattern, Bats like to eat.. at my TPT store called Going a “Little Batty” Literacy Center  Fun Pack!

Click here for two fun bat poems to use in your Poetry Journals!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A “Beary” Fun Week! Something New from Kinderbykim!


Last week we had a great time making our Brown Bear Bags and mini books.  One of my children said “Miss Jordano you should have your picture as the teacher in our Brown Bear book”. So I did exactly that… my picture is on the “I see a  teacher” page!


During Literacy centers we made our first t.p. roll activity to practice our sight words. The writing paper gets rolled up and goes inside of the t.p. roll. The little bear is glued on the front! Slide3

We painted circle bears and discussed how these circles are flat shapes not 3D! Lots of fun ways to get Common Core in!Slide4

We are busy working on or rhyming skills along with reading and sight words. This fun little book is easy to read and  helps us practice rhyming. Perfect for our Readers Workshop boxes! All of these ideas plus a few more activities (except for the circle bears) are in my new packet on TPT called

A “Beary Fun Little Pack”.