Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summer Freebie..Get Out Your Beach Buckets and a New Friend on TPT!


Head to the dollar stores and pick up some mini plastic beach buckets. Perfect for the Rhyming activity seen here.


My little Beach Buddies take a plastic bucket with seashell  rhyming picture cards and find the matching rhyming picture. Next they write the rhyming pair on their seashell and color.


Last you can have them staple in to a book or fold cover to make a pocket. For fun add some real sand and tiny shells to the front of the bucket.


My Beach Bucket Rhymes link


My dear friend and Amazing teacher Tebby Harrington has just put her first item on TPT! Currently she is teaches TK  (transitional Kinder)and is one of the most Creative teachers I know! This is her first product and I wanted to give her a big WELCOME to TPT. Be on the look out for more to come. Tebby calls her students the “Kinder Guppies!” So her TPT name is Kinderguppycreations. Check out her freebie and new book:

       Free: Alligator pie mini book

Let's Learn to Write Our ABC'sSlide6

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Little Something New from Kinderbykim!

Slide1Now that it is summer I found a few hours to work on some projects I've been trying to complete! My first is my Write a Rhyme Fun Pack!Slide2

This pack includes three rhyming frame books, Ocean, Safari and Farm.  I have also included sample cover ideas and patterns.Slide3

They make great literacy center activities that can be used for independent writing or guided writing.Slide4

The covers are simple to make and my children can make them at a center independently.



I plan to get more blogs out soon getting some fun freebies ready so check back! I hope you are all enjoying your summer, Kim

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Last Day of School Fun, Fun, Fun!


On the last day of school we spend a good part of the morning signing our Autograph and Photo Albums. I had two wonderful Mommies help me get them put together this year!


Each child has 5-6 pages of pictures taken throughout the school year.



I love to see what they write to their friends!


I gave each of my Kiddos a bottle of bubbles with this note and a fancy ring tied to it.


This is what the note says on the back.


I took so many pictures this year and did not get them all sent out through Shutterfly so I made a CD for each child with all the pictures. This way families can use them for scrapbooks or their own photo albums.


My class also made beach visors and the class next door decorated beach buckets.


Next we had a water balloon relay and then a little “Super Soaker” Fun!

** We asked parents to bring in filled water balloons. We had tons it was so fun!


I love the picture below! The boys were ready!


The weather cooperated and it was really nice and warm! We ended the day with ice cream sundaes in our classroom. It was a fun way to spend your last day as a kindergartener!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kinderbykim’s Memory Book and Little Graduation Faces


Here is my finished Kindergarten Memory Book! Just in time school is out on Friday! I have the blank books all put together by the second week of school so I can glue in the children's items at the end of each month.


This was our September glyph and below is or September quilt piece.




Each month I include a picture of a special day, their quilt piece and the poem we learned for that month!


Gobble! Gobble!


I love our handprint reindeer!


This year a farm animal went in January because we made them for our “Winter on the Farm” Open House!


This little bee is made from tracing their shoe!


I just love our little Leprechaun hand prints and finger painted shamrocks.

( Yes we still paint in Kinder!)


We went on a spring egg hunt to the park. Bunny ears and all! The best part was a Peep Race. The 5 classes competed in a peep chewing relay. Hysterical!!


Don’t you just love their photo with the monkey and safari hat!


Every year we have and End of Year Sing. This is the cover of our program. This year all classes will sing , then come back to their classrooms for a fun award and then we will all have a picnic lunch together. Awards include things like Most Creative, Future Comedian, Future Architects, Future Author etc! Everyone gets an award.


Our school mascot is the Lee Leopard. Each child will also receive a Leo Medallion. Well I’m off to finish all these goodies. I hope you all are winding down and ready for a great Summer!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Stripy Zebra, a Silly Monkey and a Sneaky Snake!


We made this cute little Zebra to go on the cover of our Guess Who book from Kinderlit .


This book is so much and I love how my kids artwork comes out! They are better artists  than me! The book does come with suggested ways to draw the animals.


This child's page is a little hard to see the blanks say big, small, roar, meow!



Here are the fun covers we put on our mini books!


I like sending home all the children's activities together in a pocket! It’s my attempt to not have everything shoved in their backpacks!Slide6

I got these cute safari hats at the Dollar Tree! I’m going to put them in their Memory books along with their safari quilt pieces seen in my last blog. We ended our unit with a trip to the Zoo last Friday!